Emydex’s Cutting-Edge Technology for Sheep tracking with NLIS.
Following Victoria’s introduction of RFID ear tags for sheep and the requirement for all sheep to be registered in the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) the other Australian states have now also mandated this with most requiring the system to be in place by January 2025.
Emydex is well-positioned to be able to assist processors in implementing the system in a cost-effective and efficient way. Having had a system in place from the very first Emydex beef implementation eight years ago and subsequently with a sheep processor in Victoria, the standard livestock processing system can interface with RFID ear tag readers in the yards as well as on the processing floor.
Livestock can be scanned in the yards as it is unloaded via RFID panel readers connected to an Emydex delivery terminal. This station can record the delivery information such as the vehicle details, NVD number, animal numbers delivered, welfare issues and stock conditions such as wool pull. This data not only updates the delivery information but also uploads the ear tag data to the NLIS database to perform a ‘transfer holdings’ to the abattoir PIC. At this time, any alerts or warnings for the delivered stock are downloaded to the Emydex system.
Similarly, checking of the RFID on the processing line can raise any issues to the processing staff by checking the NLIS database in real-time and triggering alerts to the processing staff. The stations that read the RFID data can be stand-alone, non-manned stations or can be used to collect other information such as stun data (voltage, duration, rise time), sex and dentition, manual ear tags, animal health and weights thereby maximising the utilisation of such stations and enhancing the information collected on the line for later reporting.
Example Processing Line NLIS station.
The NLIS data is uploaded to the NLIS database either on an individual animal or lot basis thereby meeting the processor's statutory requirements whilst enhancing the efficiency and data collection on the processing line itself.
Emydex NLIS Interface Management Screen
The Emydex kill line solution provides a comprehensive solution for the management and processing of livestock from procurement to payment and can be a simple, one-station grading station to sophisticated RFID gambrel tracking solutions processing many carcasses per minute.
If you want to learn more – contact Emydex in any of our global market offices in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or North America