Rosderra Irish Meats Group is the largest pork processing company in Ireland. The group processes over 1.5 million pigs per annum across its two state-of-the-art processing facilities at Edenderry, Co. Offaly, and Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. In addition, Rosderra has a speciality Meat Ingredients facility in Clara, Co. Offaly, a Pork-Curing facility in Jamestown, Co. Leitrim, and a Cooked Meats facility in Stradone, Co. Cavan.
Rosderra approached Emydex in 2014 to replace their existing traceability and production control systems operating across the group approaching end-of-life. After winning a competitive tender, Emydex was awarded the contract to supply a new factory floor data capture IT solution that operates door-to-door across the group’s four main operating plants. All production processes were to be covered, including weighbridge integration, lairage, grading, primal deboning, further processing, packing, order picking and dispatch, stock, yield management and traceability reporting.
Split into eight distinct project phases, the project also included implementing Emydex’s Cold Store system into Rosderra’s Cold Store facility in Jamestown and tight integration with third-party warehouse management systems operating in external cold stores utilised by Rosderra’s production plants.
As part of the initial project phases, Emydex worked with Rosderra’s IT integration partner to build robust interfaces to the group’s SAP system. Integration points were built using AS2 and XML transfer files to allow Emydex to pull products, materials, and customer files from SAP, as well as Customer Sales orders destined for both Rosderra production sites and third-party cold stores, and later send updated Stock data back to SAP for stock valuation and available-to-promise purposes.
After completing the roll-out of Emydex’s Packing and Warehouse Management systems to Rosderra’s four operating plants in early 2016, the focus shifted to the Boning Hall operations in Edenderry and Roscrea. These project phases included implementing Emydex’s boning hall systems for cutting, boning, further processing, and Yield Control. Yield Reporting from Emydex includes Carcass chill loss, Cutting yield, chill loss/cutting summary and Boning Hall yield reports.
Presently, the project is in its final phase, which covers the Abattoir operations at both Edenderry and Roscrea, including a centralised slaughter plan and livestock appointments system, weigh-bridge integration, lairage bookings, bulk sequencing, and detained and pig grading stations. Reporting will include a real-time slaughter line monitor program that will accurately display the status of the slaughter with analysis by lot. Slaughter line analysis can be displayed in both tabular and graphical reporting formats.
Commenting on the project, David McMahon, Emydex CEO, said, “We are now well into the final stages of a two-year Emydex systems roll-out across the Rosderra group, covering door-to-door processes as well as integrations to back-office ERP, 3rd party cold stores and suppliers as well as factory floor machinery. Looking back over the two years, I see the project has run smoothly. Both the Emydex and Rosderra project teams worked well together to plan and deliver each project phase on schedule without any major disruption to operations. Rosderra is now reaping the benefits of having a robust factory floor data capture Production control system installed, with Emydex providing group and plant managers and supervisors with real-time and accurate reporting on their Production Yields, Stocks and Traceability.”
Louis Ennis, Rosderra Group Finance and Emydex project sponsor added, “Rosderra Irish Meats Group chose Emydex as an end-to-end solution to replace our legacy system. The installation, which is currently ongoing, will be completed over multiple phases across multiple sites, with all implementations running smoothly and with minimum disruption to the business. The first implementation was the warehouse and packing modules, and, through added interfaces with our ERP system, brought immediate benefit to the business through greater visibility on orders, improved data validation and reduced administration, especially around our cold store loads where manual input has been greatly reduced. Overall, the system greatly improved real-time information and offered ease of use and improved flexibility when making changes”