With the compulsory recording of individual sheep RFID ear tags due to commence now in Victoria (June 2017), Emydex Technology, a world leader in Traceability software systems for the food industry, is well positioned to not only meet this new requirement, but also to add real value for small stock processors.
Emydex links directly to the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database, so data captured by the Emydex systems regarding received and processed animals, can easily be retrieved and uploaded the to the NLIS system.
By supplying a fully integrated system that links purchase appointments, deliveries, sale yard purchase data, animal welfare and quality assurance with on-floor processing data, a number of significant benefits are provided. These include data accuracy, minimal manual data input and full integration of the supply chain.
‘By integrating Emydex’s RFID data capture solution into the processing and payment chain, Wodonga Abattoir can gain full traceability and true individual carcass costing whilst complying with the new regulatory requirements. This gives us significant benefits and reduces manual data input by leveraging the inbuilt NLIS integration and sophisticated costing system that Emydex provides’. Rod Scarvell, Wodonga Abattoir.
P&L by Animal
A key feature of the Emydex system is the ability to produce a ‘P&L for every animal processed’ without having to manually key costing data or averaging costs over multiple animals. By automatically processing the XML post sale datafiles as supplied by the saleyards, not only is the purchase data for each lot recorded and the lots for processing automatically created, the individual RFID (ear tag) numbers are stored against the supplying agent and the price paid.
This RFID data can then be matched back to the agent on an animal by animal basis, irrespective of when processing occurs or if stock is mixed prior to processing.
Additional costs can be applied by default on a saleyard or direct supply basis and can include freight, droving and, branding costs, commissions etc. so the full cost of each animal delivered to the yards can be determined.
Flexible Payments
With a user definable payment grid combined with the ability to include expected skin and other revenues the true cost of the stock to the processor is available. It is also possible to generate the slaughter floor costs (kill fee) for all purchases so stock can be costed ‘to the boning room’.
Naturally this also allows for the production of recipient created tax invoices, agent reporting, AUSMEAT feedback sheets and government levy accruals etc. which can all be emailed directly from the system to the relevant parties.
eNVD system
Emydex is also one a few ‘integrated’ systems that is certified by the MLA to integrate to the new eNVD system and thus provides the ability to receive NVD data electronically, which is fully integrated to other Emydex system modules. This provides the ability to not only store the relevant data from a legislative point of view, but also to utilise this data to drive the rest of the system by matching received livestock to the eNVD and then to the lairage, kill agenda and payments with minimal data input.
Being a fully integrated, flexible system built on modern .NET technology, with powerful on-floor data collection systems linked to a user-friendly back office system, Emydex, a system proven in over 30 livestock processing plants around the word, is able to offer the following advantages .
Emydex Sheep EID system benefits include:
- The ability to create ‘appointments’ and lairage lots direct from the purchase advice data sent by the sale yards with no manual input (XML file)
- The ability to match individual small stock animals back to the agent details of the appointment via the RFID to obtain the true cost of the animal (for costing).
- The ability to add additional costs to a sale yard purchase such as agent commissions, droving, transport (up to three transport companies per purchase), feeding etc. all of which can be defaulted by sale yard provider. This then provides a true cost of stock to the plant by animal.
- Track sale yard average costs for boxed lots if not RFID tagged.
- Report on costs by provider (i.e. all freight or droving costs by supplier for a time period) to match to supplier invoice for reconciliation.
The ability to record small stock EID data on the slaughter floor. - NLIS database interface inbuilt in the system negating the need to export/import or use any third-party applications. By having all of the current holdings etc. in the Emydex database (automatically downloaded) information can easily be match automatically to kill records.
- An MLA certified eNVD solution integrated to the NLIS database and which provides the ability to create appointments from the eNVD data.
- Flexible ‘three level’ payment grid with a second ‘fall through’ grid for animal that do not meet the criteria on the primary grid applied to the purchase.
- Settlement schemes that automatically apply charges and rebates to supplier invoices associated with that scheme.
- Record charges that apply to the invoice plus charges that are plant costs e.g. ‘processing levy’.
- An optional facility to update any kill data from the back office after the kill.
Emydex Sheep Payments system benefits include:
- Farmers (RCTI)
- Hobby Farmers (no GST)
- Advise agents of revenues for agent supplied over the hooks purchases (Buyer Advice).
- Match sale yard agent invoices to the stock killed. Also allow for combine payments to the sale yard itself (VLE).
- Record sheepskin sales and generate RCTIs to the purchasers.
- Allow for the recording of all costs associated with a service kill and invoice those based on number of head processed.
Other system benefits include:
- Email reports directly from the Emydex application without printing, scanning and emailing. Combine RCTI and feedback sheet as one email to supplier.
- The ability to store general ledger codes per transaction type (e.g. fees, levies, purchase types etc. he facilitates the interface into accounting systems. Note interface not standard).
- Flexible, easy to use data collection screens that can be combine or separated as required (i.e. a separate sex and dentition station or both functions on one).
- Standalone grading stations that can run without the previous stations being available.
- The ability to switch, at the flick of an on screen ‘switch’, between grading printers (for different ticket sizes etc. or in the case of a printer break down).
- The ability to take an input from a panel reader and change to a wand reader should the panel reader fail (again at the flick of an on screen ‘switch’).
- Data collection screens that can increment body numbers automatically and only be updated when necessary i.e. a breed station that only need to be updated if the breed needs to be recorded for a particular animal.
- Inbuilt QA system with transport quality (cleanliness, bruising points etc.) and animal welfare check forms (which is able to be used in all the Emydex modules to provide a full quality management system).
- Modern ‘.NET’ Microsoft SQL Server database environment.
- Inbuilt report writer that allows IT Staff to generate reports in house.
- Over 30 Emydex staff worldwide to support the application.