In order to improve the quality of our solutions and services Emydex send out a Customer Satisfaction Survey to all our customers every 6 months. The survey measures the satisfaction levels in the following areas:
Quality of Solution
Execution Timeliness
Meeting Expectations
Proactive Support
Lead Programmer
At least 2 representatives from each of our customers are invited to respond in order to get a broad picture of satisfaction levels. We always ensure we get at least 1 person to respond on behalf of each customer.
The feedback we receive enables us to pinpoint the areas where we need to improve and gives us the ability to define action plans to target specific areas. The Customer Satisfaction survey is sent out twice yearly, and so gives us the ability to monitor how effective our action plans are, and allows us to re-evaluate and redefine them where necessary.
A very positive result for Emydex staff and customers alike is that overall satisfaction levels rose by 5.02% compared to previous scores. Further to this for the question regarding recommendation we have moved from a score of 1 respondent giving us top marks in October 2011, to 1/3rd of all respondents responding with a 10 out of 10 in April 2012.
Survey Questions
Respondents were asked to rate their satisfaction based on the questions below:
Q1 Quality of Solution & Support (e.g. Usability, Speed, Performance, Bug Free etc.)
The quality of Emydex solution and support provided to you?
Q2. Execution Timeliness
The adherence to project deadlines and agreed project milestones during development and implementation?
Q3. Meeting expectations
How Emydex have lived up to your expectations that were set at the beginning of the project?
Q4. Proactive Support
How Emydex has lived up to their goal to provide proactive support to our customers?
Q5. Lead Programmer
The abilities and communication skills of the Lead Programmer on your project?
Q6. Recommendation
How likely are you to recommend Emydex to a colleague?