Emydex’s latest customer satisfaction survey conducted during April 2013 shows all time high scores across all metrics measured. Feedback is received from at least one person from every live customer, and at least 2 people within our larger group customers. In all cases the people surveyed are in Emydex-facing roles, and deal with Emydex staff on a regular basis. The latest survey includes feedback from 26 people working for Emydex customers, and covers customer satisfaction with:
- Quality of the system – performance, usability, bug free etc.
- Execution Timeliness – adherence to agreed project deadlines and milestones
- Meeting Expectations (how did we measure up at the end versus expectations at the start?)
- Quality of Customer Support
- Satisfaction with your Lead Programmer (how happy are you with your lead programmer?)
- Recommendation – Likelihood of recommending Emydex to a colleague or friend
- Overall Satisfaction
A summary of the scores received across all customers is listed below. In the case of all 6 questions, these scores are higher in each instance than scores and feedback received in our last survey conducted in October 2012
Of particular importance is the improvement, in the opinion of our customers with the Overall Quality of the Emydex software system, that has seen satisfaction grow steadily over the past 2 years from a 79% satisfaction rating in October 2011 to a rating of 86% in April 2013.
This may be in part explained by the fact that Emydex now has a separate product development team dedicated to the further development and improvement of the core software platform and modules.
The team have since February 2013 moved to a separate office to give the team ‘head-space’ and also to facilitate growth in both the Project Implementation and Customer Support Teams in Unit 10.
Quality of Solution (usability, Speed, Performance, Bug Free etc.)
Satisfaction levels with Software Quality
Emydex Product Development Team
The knock-on effect of improvement in overall software quality, is that satisfaction with our Customer Supportteam has also risen in line, most likely as a result of a combination of less bugs being reported in the software, and more staff being added to the Emydex support team that now stands at five full-time dedicated people, soon to be six. One customer comment to highlight came from Simon Fletcher in Moy Park Ballymena, who said “Emydex provide an excellent Product and an excellent service. I wish all our Suppliers/Support operated with the same ethos and work ethic”.
Quality of Customer Support
Satisfaction levels with Customer Support
Emydex Customer Support Team
The last metric to highlight relates to Emydex Customer satisfaction levels with their lead programmer, the main software developer tasked with tailoring an Emydex solution to match each customer’s specific business requirements exactly. With Customer Satisfaction with their lead programmer now standing at an 87% satisfaction rating, this demonstrates the level of knowledge our delivery team has of food processing industries, as well as their technical skill levels and abilities.
Satisfaction with Lead Programmer
Emydex Project Delivery Team